Wednesday 10 August 2011

Blonde Vs Redhead

I've been toying with the idea of going from Blonde to Redhead over the last few months. Apart from the fact that its costing me a fortune, ruining my hair and looking fairly dodgy with bad roots half the time, I'm also beginning to wonder if Red's have more fun?

They come across as sexy, feisty and confident. Just look at Joan Holloway in Madmen. The absolute epitome of a sexy red head and the men go crazy for her.

The problem is, we have always known Joan as a redhead, in fact she is known for it. Changing from one look to the other can be drastic and a little scary for a comfort blonde like me. The closest I have ever been is my over use of Sun-in hair lightener in the 90's which trust me is not a good look...

I needed to do a little bit or research to see the results of others who have made the change.
Firstly I came across Emma Stone.
Sultry Redhead
But Sexier Blonde
So Emma can do either but at a push I think she looks better blonde even though it's not her natural colour. Drew Barrymore (My girl crush!) can probably handle any colour but again I think the blonde outways the red.

This is a huge change for Rhianna. From sandy blonde to completely fiery redhead. But She gets it so right. She looks even hotter Red if that's even possible. Good move.

Scalett was brave to try out the darker colour but we will always know her as blonde and it suits her so well that she should definitely stick to it. Blonde brings out her eyes and is definitely softer on her face.

Poor Lindsay Lohan. God bless her she has tried out every colour under the sun and more often than not gets its wrong. This one is easy. There really is no comparison. Her natural red is beautiful on her skin tone and with her eye colour. It is also interesting to notice since she went trashy blonde her career has fallen by the wayside. I think a change back to the old red would be a good first step to getting her life back on track.

Ok so after my comparisons, I'm still finding it hard to make a decision as to what to do but it does seem that the girls who wear Red better are either ginger or darker naturally which doesn't really give me confidence.

Something tells me that next time I'm in the hairdressers chair I'll chicken out and go for the peroxide again.......

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