Friday 22 July 2011

Oh Happy Days.

Today is my 40th blog and I'm feeling pretty proud of myself for getting this far and not running out of ideas to write about. So in celebration of looking back on what I've achieved I thought I would have a reminisce about things that made me happy as a kid, namely TV! Being an eighties child we watched tv a lot and I'm probably biased but the tv back then for kids was fantastic. Anytime I talk about it with peeps my age they get all excited and start gushing about the programmes they used to watch. So here is a little flashback to some of my favourites.
Button Moon

THis was one of my early favourites back when Mrs Spoon was the height of sophistication. Didn't you used to want to press the button that made the rocket take off?
This programme wa slike a cool version of Playschool and the bonus was it didn't have that scary Hanbel doll either. The enthusiastic presenters used to drive amini train around the studio and then watch VT footage on their technologically advanced posh VHS tapes. What a cool job!
CockleShell Bay
This completely brings me back. These two kids used to hang out with some old dodgy sailor geezer in matching outfits, mess around on the beach for a bit and then go home for jam sandwiches for tea!!!
King Rollo
Mr Ben
These two used to be on at lunchtime and to be honest I didnt really like either one that much but still watched them everyday. I think my real dissapointment was that Mr Ben never picked the tutu to wear in the fancy dress shop(ahh the innocence!)
The Get-along-gang
Being a girl in the 80s one could not escape the draw of the girl cartoons, Rainbow Brite, The Get-along-gang  (my fave was Woolma Lamb!) and the Care bears. Plus the added excitement came with collecting the dolls, teddies, stickers, rubbers, you name it and comparing them with your friends...

Fingermouse has to be the cheapest tv programme evermade, just some cardboard and an imagination but still it holds  place in my heart, as does which always made me cry for some reason.......

When I got a bit older my viewing tastes changed, cartoons became more weird. Like Ulyses. What the hell was that about? I actually think I used to be scared of it but still it didn't stop me watching it.
Dungeons and Dragons has to be up there in my top five I reckon. It was so cool. I loved the Dungeon Master and the unicorn. This used to be on around 4pm when I got in from school classic! It knocked its rivals He-Man and She-Ra out of the water!

Talking of after school tv. These two were pretty cool in my opinion.
The Pink Windmill
The Pink Windmill was Awesome! "There somebody at the door" would be shouted at the top of our lungs in our house when Grotbags would call round. Slightly unnerving looking at Rod Hull now knowing that he went bankrupt and fell to his death from the roof of his house into a greenhouse but back then it was all harmless fun!
Remember this? T-bag and T-leaf. She was a wicked queen with her t-bag slave who used to try and stop Debbie from collecting the golden letters. Fun times!
Finally I will leave you with the most scary kids programme on tv in the 80s. Chocky. I don't know why it says PG on this image cos it still scares me now if I listen to the theme tune on You Tube. It was the weirdest programme about a young boy who starts talking to a being that isn't there and it turns out it is an alien who does weird things and is trying to find out about things on earth. I swear I had many a nightmare thinking that Chocky was in the corner of my room.

Wow there is still so much more I haven't even mentioned but I wont bore you any longer. I hope you enjoyed our trip down memory lane.

Do you have an 80s programme that you were obsessed with?

Did Chocky scare the bejeezus out of you?

Anyone remember a foreign programme called the storyteller?

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