Wednesday 24 August 2011

The Ankle Boot

Sonia Rykiel €435
Sorry peeps, been very laxidazy in posting recently and I humbly apologise for that, nothing however gives you a kick up the arse as the constant reminders of back to school everywhere I look. Time to focus and knuckle down. Back to school does however mean Autumn has arrived! This can only mean good news in the fashion stakes, since I can know annoy you all by going on about all the beautuiful things I want in my wardrobe this season.
My favourite item of Autumn/Winter is the Humble boot. I live in them from now until possibly May next year so understandable that I put a lot of time and effort in finding the perfect ones. I will come back to knee length boots at a later date so dont worry but my newest obsession is the ankle boot. The designers have really been putting in the effort of late and have produced an unbelieveable amount of versatility in the ankle boot. From day to evening, heeled, flat and crazy coloured, they have designed it all. So let's take a look at my latest discoveries.
KG by Kurt Geiger €205
For the biker chick in me I'm loving these flat biker boots. I always secretly had a crush on Doc Martins when I was a teenager but these are a modern funkier take on the Doc. Skinny jeans, sloppy T-shirt and a leather jacket. Sorted!
Android boot Topshop  €90
These are fabulous. Spotted them in Topshop and have yet to try them on but any shoes or boots ever bought in Topshop have been super comfy so I have no doubt these will be too. They are a little crazy but great as a statement shoe and can keep the rest of the outfit simple.
ASOS hiking boot €57
Slightly more butch style but its the contradiction that will work with this. These should be worn with a cute playsuit or short minidress so you cross the girlyness with the roughness of the hiking style and throw in some opaque tights which will be extra flattering on the leg.
Aldo €102
I love these for going out! The best thing about Aldo is the quality. The leather is always soft and flexible and gets even better with wear. Anything I have ever bought from here has lasted forever. Saturday night out, little black dress or skinny cigar pants and blouse top. Gorgeous!
Jimmy Choo €1195
Im sorry guys, I couldn't resist the beautifulness. A girl can only dream. These are the most beautiful things I have ever seen. What more can I say. They speak for themselves..........
Louboutin €975
While I'm feeling frivolous I thought I'd sneak these in. These suede beauties are simple yet chic. On my "when I win the lotto" wishlist but would be a classic for sure.
Office €107
Lastly I love these cute and very wearable boots from Office. Perfect for work everyday and at the not so scary price of €107 I think these are a must have!

Im off now to buy my new pencil case and school bag! Happy days!

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Blonde Vs Redhead

I've been toying with the idea of going from Blonde to Redhead over the last few months. Apart from the fact that its costing me a fortune, ruining my hair and looking fairly dodgy with bad roots half the time, I'm also beginning to wonder if Red's have more fun?

They come across as sexy, feisty and confident. Just look at Joan Holloway in Madmen. The absolute epitome of a sexy red head and the men go crazy for her.

The problem is, we have always known Joan as a redhead, in fact she is known for it. Changing from one look to the other can be drastic and a little scary for a comfort blonde like me. The closest I have ever been is my over use of Sun-in hair lightener in the 90's which trust me is not a good look...

I needed to do a little bit or research to see the results of others who have made the change.
Firstly I came across Emma Stone.
Sultry Redhead
But Sexier Blonde
So Emma can do either but at a push I think she looks better blonde even though it's not her natural colour. Drew Barrymore (My girl crush!) can probably handle any colour but again I think the blonde outways the red.

This is a huge change for Rhianna. From sandy blonde to completely fiery redhead. But She gets it so right. She looks even hotter Red if that's even possible. Good move.

Scalett was brave to try out the darker colour but we will always know her as blonde and it suits her so well that she should definitely stick to it. Blonde brings out her eyes and is definitely softer on her face.

Poor Lindsay Lohan. God bless her she has tried out every colour under the sun and more often than not gets its wrong. This one is easy. There really is no comparison. Her natural red is beautiful on her skin tone and with her eye colour. It is also interesting to notice since she went trashy blonde her career has fallen by the wayside. I think a change back to the old red would be a good first step to getting her life back on track.

Ok so after my comparisons, I'm still finding it hard to make a decision as to what to do but it does seem that the girls who wear Red better are either ginger or darker naturally which doesn't really give me confidence.

Something tells me that next time I'm in the hairdressers chair I'll chicken out and go for the peroxide again.......

Wednesday 27 July 2011

The New Denim.

Ha ha ha ha ha, I am easily amused but still can't stop laughing at this picture. I do have a bit of a fear of anything denim that's not jeans right now. It's an inbuilt  reaction after seeing first hand all of the scary stonewashed/ bleached denim (and double denim!!! shudder shudder!) of the 80's. However I decided I needed to get my head around it since denim has been starting to creep back onto the catwalks and into Celeb wardrobes of late.

Against my better judgement I started to look around and see could denim be cute? I must admit I was pleasantly surprised what I found out there.
Topshop denim playsuit €47

This was a good start. I love playsuits for Summer and because this is a nice smooth look denim it soothed away my fear of stonewashed boiler suits immediately. It is a good price too so that if I decided I was going to take the plunge into alternative denim then I wouldn't have to spend a fortune to do it. And if it's good enough for Cameron it's good enough for me.

Wow the denim jacket has come a long way!
Free people €102
 This one is super cute, kinda half shirt/half jacket and the beauty of this is that it goes over everything from light summer dresses, festival shorts, patterned jumpsuits to harem pants. I warn you with this website though because everything is amazing and you will not know when to stop spending!
Topshop Bralet €18
OK so I may have gone a bit Thelma and Louise here but how cute is this denim bra? The man in your life will appreciate it. Trust me!
J Crew €72
The classic denim shirt but in this case the fabric feels as soft as silk and looks so cute tucked into a bright pencil skirt and worn with wedges.
Drew Barrymore rocks it here with white!
Denim dresses can be a big mistake if done wrong. For me the trick is keep it simple, the less detail the better. Tommy Hilfiger completely get it right with this cute Summer dress.
Tommy Hilfigger €61 (available from

Jessica Alba is always spot on fashion wise and this Isabel Maurant dress is amazing. I want one.

So I'm definitely convinced. I will take it slowly as I enter the world of denim but if designers keep producing the quirky denim pieces that are out right now I can see myself becoming a complete convert.

Have you had any dodgy denim mistakes?

Worn double denim in the past?

Come on fess up?

Tuesday 26 July 2011


Ahhh total bliss.... After a long day at work my greatest pleasure is slipping into a steaming hot bubble bath and soaking until my fingers turn pruny! Alas I could not enjoy this satisfying ritual to the max without my bath treats from Lush.
I first discovered this amazing handmade cosmetics store through a cosmetic addict friend of mine when she bought me my first bath bomb to cheer me up after a particularly harsh break up and I have been a huge fan ever since. Of course since then I have tried most Lush products and they do everything from shower gels, shampoos, face masks to massage oils (ooooh sexy!). But to do their products justice I will have to re-visit all ranges at a later date as this would be the longest post in the world if I was to talk about everything I like.

Since the bath products are my overall favorites I thought I would share with you my top three Bath bombs and Bath melts and bubble bars.
My first experience was a bath bomb. It is normally a hard powdery textured ball of loveliness which when dropped into a hot bath dissolves and fizzes releasing the amazing oils and ingredients into you bath for you to soak in and relax.
1) Honey Bee. This was my first experience and for that reason it will always remain a favorite. It smells edible like honey/caramel but has amazing cleansing qualities (rhassoul mud) which leave you skin clean and baby soft.

2)Tisty Tosty. This is a bomb of seduction or romance. Its rose essence infuses throughout the bath and makes a girl feel like a princess as she soaks in a bath of flower petals. Gorgeous.

3)Butterball. This is a classic old timer that NEVER gets old. This is a good moisturizing bomb as it releases cocoa butter into the water as it melts which is absorbed easily as your pores will be open with the heat of the bath.

For a more silk moisturizing (and less fizzy bath!) try one of Lush's gorgeous bath melts. These vary from the bombs in that they contain more oils and moisturizing properties than the bombs and normally feel silkier to the touch.
1)Floating Island. This was my favourite melt for a long time. Its creamy and smells like vanilla and is a treat for the skin. Its simple but very effective.

2)Dreamtime. This is one for a just before bed bath. I find it personally best on a Sunday evening when the hangover is starting to wear off. It releases sandalwood, lavender and jasmine and relaxes the whole body and mind so that once i slip into my jammies I'm asleep before you can say goodnight. Zzzz Zzzz

3)Marshmallow moment. Now I am known to love sugary sweet things, especially in cosmetics. My perfumes are always sugary sweet. So this melt is a dream come true. It smells or marshmallow and also has cocoa butter so when you hop out of the bath you smell good enough to eat. Yum!

Bubble bars used to be my last choice when choosing a bath product but just because I would normally get swayed by bombs and melts before I got that far, however lately they have become a bit of a new favorite. I can often be found with a chilled glass of rose, hair up and lounging in bubbles like Alexis in Dynasty. Fabulous darling! Bubble bars need to be crumbled into the bath as the bath is still running and this helps whip up the bubbles. The great thing about these instead of regular bubble bath is that they are also intensely moisturizing aswell as opposed to some bubble liquids.
1)Amandopondo. This has the scents of rose, lemon and orange. It is great for a day time bath as it helps give me energy and feel fabulous all at the same time.

2) Karma. This is sexy and spicy and the scent floats around the house giving a sultry feel to an evening. Possibly a good one for a shared bath! (wink wink!)

3) French kiss. This lavender scented bubble bar is meant to evoke a feeling of Spring in Provence and it even has it's own little lavender sprig which infuses into the bath when melted.

So if you haven't already checked out Lush then treat yourself to a bath tonight with one of their amazing treats. You will tahnk me for it believe me.
Also check out all their other amazing products, I will definitely revisit some of these at a later date, I can't resist.

Until then happy bathing!

Friday 22 July 2011

Oh Happy Days.

Today is my 40th blog and I'm feeling pretty proud of myself for getting this far and not running out of ideas to write about. So in celebration of looking back on what I've achieved I thought I would have a reminisce about things that made me happy as a kid, namely TV! Being an eighties child we watched tv a lot and I'm probably biased but the tv back then for kids was fantastic. Anytime I talk about it with peeps my age they get all excited and start gushing about the programmes they used to watch. So here is a little flashback to some of my favourites.
Button Moon

THis was one of my early favourites back when Mrs Spoon was the height of sophistication. Didn't you used to want to press the button that made the rocket take off?
This programme wa slike a cool version of Playschool and the bonus was it didn't have that scary Hanbel doll either. The enthusiastic presenters used to drive amini train around the studio and then watch VT footage on their technologically advanced posh VHS tapes. What a cool job!
CockleShell Bay
This completely brings me back. These two kids used to hang out with some old dodgy sailor geezer in matching outfits, mess around on the beach for a bit and then go home for jam sandwiches for tea!!!
King Rollo
Mr Ben
These two used to be on at lunchtime and to be honest I didnt really like either one that much but still watched them everyday. I think my real dissapointment was that Mr Ben never picked the tutu to wear in the fancy dress shop(ahh the innocence!)
The Get-along-gang
Being a girl in the 80s one could not escape the draw of the girl cartoons, Rainbow Brite, The Get-along-gang  (my fave was Woolma Lamb!) and the Care bears. Plus the added excitement came with collecting the dolls, teddies, stickers, rubbers, you name it and comparing them with your friends...

Fingermouse has to be the cheapest tv programme evermade, just some cardboard and an imagination but still it holds  place in my heart, as does which always made me cry for some reason.......

When I got a bit older my viewing tastes changed, cartoons became more weird. Like Ulyses. What the hell was that about? I actually think I used to be scared of it but still it didn't stop me watching it.
Dungeons and Dragons has to be up there in my top five I reckon. It was so cool. I loved the Dungeon Master and the unicorn. This used to be on around 4pm when I got in from school classic! It knocked its rivals He-Man and She-Ra out of the water!

Talking of after school tv. These two were pretty cool in my opinion.
The Pink Windmill
The Pink Windmill was Awesome! "There somebody at the door" would be shouted at the top of our lungs in our house when Grotbags would call round. Slightly unnerving looking at Rod Hull now knowing that he went bankrupt and fell to his death from the roof of his house into a greenhouse but back then it was all harmless fun!
Remember this? T-bag and T-leaf. She was a wicked queen with her t-bag slave who used to try and stop Debbie from collecting the golden letters. Fun times!
Finally I will leave you with the most scary kids programme on tv in the 80s. Chocky. I don't know why it says PG on this image cos it still scares me now if I listen to the theme tune on You Tube. It was the weirdest programme about a young boy who starts talking to a being that isn't there and it turns out it is an alien who does weird things and is trying to find out about things on earth. I swear I had many a nightmare thinking that Chocky was in the corner of my room.

Wow there is still so much more I haven't even mentioned but I wont bore you any longer. I hope you enjoyed our trip down memory lane.

Do you have an 80s programme that you were obsessed with?

Did Chocky scare the bejeezus out of you?

Anyone remember a foreign programme called the storyteller?