Tuesday 31 May 2011

Bogus blind date!

So I thought it might be about time that i updated you on the internet dating. I must admit while it was a bit of a novelty at the beginning and kind of fun, I have since been finding it quite time consuming and a bit weird at times. It's amazing how quickly though you can weed out the lunatics, desperates, weirdos and the over 60's from the bumch!!

It came to the point where I had narrowed it down and was just emailing two guys. Rk78 and shyguy2010. I know, I know, it does take a while to get used to the screen names and eventually I found out that Rk78 is actually called Brian and shyguy2010 is Greg.

All was going well and I would be online with either one for an hour or so sending emails back and forth and after a couple of weeks of this slightly unnatural communication Brian asked to meet up for a drink!

Now I hadn't told anyone I was doing this apart from a close friend Rachel who has also dipped her toe into the pool of internet dating in the past. I decided to tell her I was meeting Brian incase he turned out to be an axe murderer or a train spotter...

We agreed on a mutual meeting place, full of people for security but I also had to pick a place I never normally go because I would be mortified if anyone found out I was on a blind date!!
I saw him as soon as I walked into the bar and It was like that scene from Extras where Rickey Jervais takes one look at his blind date and starts swearing.... I contemplated turning on my heel and running as fast as I could but I knew that he had seen me.

I knew immediately that this guy was not for me but all I could think was how long is long enough before I make my excuses and leave. Now I'm not saying he didn't look like his picture but whoever airbrushed the hell out of his photo deserves an enhancement award! He was smaller than he had said on his profile and he was definitely more rotund!!! In fact he was one of those guys who had been on his own for so long that he has forgotten about things such as ironing and hygiene.

 It was pretty painful conversation with lots of awkward silences. Brian only made matters worse when he told me the story of his last blind date, where the girl went to the toilet and never came back!!!! I mean why was he telling me this? Hardly encouraging plus I was slightly pissed off because it meant I couldnt do the same now!!! Darn it!

Two drinks later I made my excuses and escaped. This was after ten minutes of Brian pleading with me to have another drink, cringe. He got more desperate the more excuses I made about leaving........ I even got a text before the taxi door had closed behind me, asking me to meet him again! I'm sure you can imagine my reply!

Anyway, I'm determined to put that bad experience behind me and try not to let it put me off the next possible suitor! Although I think I might look a little bit closer at the picture next time...... Maybe shyguy2010 a.k.a Greg can restore my faith in cyber suitors!!!!

Please tell me your cringeworthy date story to make me feel better? Or maybe a sucess story to give me some hope!!!

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