Saturday 21 May 2011

Macaroons Anonymous

I have a new addiction and I'm ashamed to admit it's macaroons. For most of my 30 years on this planet my number one ultimate treat has always been chocolate of some type, brownies, cupcakes, ice cream but in the last few months i've found a new obsession. MACAROONS! And Laudree macaroons in particular.

The first time i ever tried these sumptuous delights of loveliness I was in the hoe of Laudree in beautiful Paris. It was a work fashion buying trip (yes it's a tough job but somebody's got to do it!) I didn't expect to be impressed since I'm not a huge fan of meringue, but when i bit into the crunchy shell and reached the chewy under layer followed by the luxurious buttercream, it was love at first sight!

Thankfully since then, a Laudree section has since opened in the "always ahead of the trend Brown Thomas Dublin"  so my addiction can be happily attended to.

As encouraged by the Laudree staff, my particular favourite is the rose macaroon which, if it's to be enjoyed at it's best needs to be accompanied by champagne. An ultimate treat! However i also have a soft spot for the orange blossom too. If I'm perfectly honest I'm pretty easy to get. Just show me a macaroon and I'm yours!

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