Monday 23 May 2011

Feeling Zen

How come I am the last person in the world to discover Yoga? Any time Yoga came into conversation it always brought to mind superfit, lentil eating models who probably don't need to work out anyway. I never really thought it would be something that I would yearn to do. Plus the fact that I have very lazy tendencies and would be much more likely to stay in and watch "The Only Way is Essex" instaed of doing physical excersise.

When my friend suggested we join a beginners class, I though why not, at least I can say i tried it and it wasn't for me. Well that was 4 weeks ago and I have to admit I'm already addicted. Its the best healthy discovery I've made this year and has actually inspired me to be healthy in other aspects in my life, like diet and trying other types of workout.

It definitey helps that we have the most amazing teacher. She makes you feel at ease and really explains all the asanas to make sure we are doing them right and she is so physically fit that body envy alone is enough to keep me going back for more.

It does take a while to get into the swing of it, it's easy to get your upward dog and your cobra pose confused not to mention the mindbending eagle pose which has me in a knot everytime but what I lack in balance and technique I more than make up for in enthusiasm. So much so that I was pretty proud of myself last week when I achieved my first head stand!

Now all I have to do is make myself brave enough to try Bikram yoga. This is the Yoga style practised in a 40 degree room and participants are advised to drink a litre of water before, a litre during and a litre afterwards! Phew I hope they have a toilet too. It's a slightly scary premise, especially since in the advice to beginners section on the website they say that after a couple of weeks you will no longer feel like you want to leave halfway through!!!!! Scary.

Has anybody tried Bikram before? Can you give me some advice?

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