Tuesday 21 June 2011

Cougette Salad

On return from my holidays, I have reverted back to my healthy eating plan. Not sure how long my will power will hold out but for now I am in the zone. I am back doing yoga once a week or even tice if I get the cance and I will be starting Pilates on Sunday! Yes Sunday, thats dedication for you, no drinking for me Saturday night!

I have been hunting around for some good healthy recipes and at the moment I am trying to keep my carbs down to a minimum. In the evenings I am aiming to just have either fish or a grilled chicken breast and either vegetables or salad. I get bored very easily with salad so I have been hunting around for some new ways to jazz up my ingredients.

This one is a complete winner and it came from my very creatve and talented Uncle. It is completely easy and can be prepared ahead of time if need be.

Boil 6 small cougettes or three large ones whole for 3 or 4 minutes. Remove from the heat and drain in a collander. Leave the cougettes in the collander for ten minutes to mae sure all excess water has been removed. Slice small cougettes in half lengthways (or large ones in half horizontally and then lengthways). Place into you salad bowl. Add three finely chopped garlic cloves, the juice of half a lemon, a splash of olive oil and a handfull of chopped basil. Stir through and enjoy!!! (tip: This salad tastes even better if the cougettes are warm or room temperature, rather than from the fridge.)


Any other good salad recipes would be welcome, especially as it will help keep me on the straight and narrow!

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