Thursday 23 June 2011

Are you primed?

I have always been a girl addicted to primer! You can use the best foundation in the world, even a long lasting one but I swear by the fact you will still get a better and longer finnish if you have used primer first. It is especially great for lazy girls like me who put their make-up on going to work and then just tops up goin for afterwork drinks!

My favourite primer for years has always been Smashbox Photo Finish Primer. €22

 Its clear and has the texture of a gel and literally glides on over your moisturiser giving and fantastic silky base to put your foundation on over. €25

 I have also on occasion tried the bronzing Photo Finnish Primer which is great when I have a tan or have used fake tan first. This has exactlt the same consistency as the original but gives an extra hint of tan too! Smashbox though can sometimes be a hard brand to find and often I can only pick it up at the airport.

During Smashbox droughts I have been know to use Mac's Prep and Prime skin. This feels completely different again, it is more of a lotion texture and smooths out any redness on the face before your foundation application. It costs around €18 and easily available too.

Now being a bit of a cosmetics tart I have been keeping my eye out for a cheaper alternative, (these are recessionary times you know!) I was really happy to discover the introduction of a new L'oreal primer.

It comes in a cute glass pot and sells for an impressive €12. I must admit this could be my new favourite. This primer is quite thick and has a slightly moussey texture but when applied to the faces it warms up and smoothes on easily. Also because of its thicker texture it fills in any lines or pores perfectly and I always have a great foundation application after using it. Well done L'oreal.

Do you have any Primer secrets to share? any reccomendations for new products? Or do you have a favourite primer that you swear by?

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